Panasonic Air Conditioner

Is Panasonic a good brand for air conditioner?

When it comes to offering a wide range of holistic solutions for residential and commercial applications, Panasonic is at the forefront. Their adaptable and cutting-edge products, created with energy efficiency at the forefront, provide unparalleled performance and dependability for any home or building.

Why Panasonic

Panasonic leads the way in providing the ultimate comfort solution for your home. Our residential air conditioners are all designed with energy efficiency front of mind, while also offering unparalleled performance and reliability. With a broad array of flexible and innovative products, we can provide a solution for every home.

Air Conditioning Expertise

Since the introduction of our first window type air conditioner in 1958, Panasonic Air Conditioning has grown to become a globally recognised and celebrated brand, delivering unmatched quality and reliability.

Total Air Solutions

With over 300 products, Panasonic has a product or solution for every application. From residential applications to large scale commercial, we endeavour to provide fully customisable total air solutions for any and all applications.

Quality & Reliability

Panasonic air conditioners are manufactured to ensure years of reliable comfort. With a 5-year warranty encompassing both residential and commercial applications, you can rest easy with Panasonic.


Panasonic provides control solutions to satisfy all residential and commercial needs. Our range of controllers demonstrate flexibility in application, providing you with a comprehensive solution to any system need.

Type of Panasonic Air Conditioner for for Homeowner

Single Split Wall Mounted Air Conditioner

Designed to provide fast and powerful cooling while saving energy. Furthermore, air purification functions are available.

Single Split Packaged Air Conditioner

Find your ideal solution within our range of single-split packaged air conditioner systems.

Multi Split Air Conditioner

Cool multiple rooms in your home with a single outdoor unit to save exterior installation space.

Mini VRF

Impressively engineered outdoor units, for installation in the most unique spaces, designed for even the most demanding applications.

Get Help From The Professionals

Nazran Air Conditioning is trusted for AC supply and installation and other AC services throughout Malaysia. Whether you need to purchase new aircond, repairs or a new installation, we provide the highest quality service and equipment. We can also help improve system efficiency and provide comprehensive maintenance plans to keep your air conditioning system running year after year. To learn more, Whatsapp us now at 012-2468 145.